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Abstract & Bio

Building a Community of Practice for Community Recovery in BC

Deb Borsos, Community Recovery - SMS Management, Mentoring and Training

Since 2017 when multiple large wildfires across the province took place; followed in 2018 and beyond with a variety of larger events, many local governments, NGOs, non-profit societies and other stakeholders have become more aware of the need to address the very long list of topics under "community recovery"- as an important factor in emergency management activities. However, there is no roadmap or group currently coordinating the collaboration and sharing of ideas and resources that are available and could be put to good use within BC and beyond.


This session will cover the many things that need to be considered in supporting community recovery as well as the potential to build a Community of Practice. The topics covered include:

  • an overview of the 4 pillars of recovery - economic, environmental, social and infrastructure 

  • funding sources and resources - from private donors to federal funding and many in between

  • accessibility issues for vulnerable populations in recovery - considerations of equity 

  • capacity issues and resources in non/ First nation local government for leading recovery

  • communications during recovery - short, medium, and long term 

  • emotional and trauma supports and methods - for responders and affected residents 

  • a perspective on community led recovery from other countries (Australia and New Zealand)


Deb Borsos has worked and volunteered in a variety of emergency management positions since 2004. She has an Emergency Management Certificate from JIBC. Previously certified as an ESSD for her local team, she is now also completing her final project for certification in Emergency Management Exercise Design. Since 2012 her focus has been on community recovery and she has worked at local, regional, and provincial levels to forward understanding and collaboration amongst the many community and government stakeholders that need to be involved in effective recovery practices. Her work is particularly focused on small, rural, and remote communities in BC and beyond. Prior to emergency management work, she spent 30 years in healthcare, rural community development, engagement with non-profit societies at various levels, and is also a visual artist, with chalk pastel as her medium and BC landscapes as her subject matter. She continues to work in community recovery (remotely, for now) from her home in the West Kootenay, which she shares with her husband and cat.

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