The next VIEP Conference is in the early stages of planning.
We are currently seeking Society Members
and Conference Committee Volunteers.
Vancouver Island Emergency Preparedness Conference 2023/4
This page (hidden itself, and only accessible via the URL provided) has links to pages that are not yet visible. Please only share this with other members of the VIEPC Committee.
Under "Conference"
About (essentially a duplicate of the base "Conference" page)
Program - NOTE: When you update the PDF for the program and upload it to Wix, the link to the new uploaded document has to be updated in 3 places;
at the bottom left of the home page, the "Learn more" button
at the bottom of the about page, where there is the text "program"; and
the program menu link itself.
Under "Location" (this entire tree is currently hidden)
Accomodations-2020 (from before COVID Postponement)
Under "News" (this entire tree is currently hidden. Also, some pages are very incomplete.)
Under "Sponsors & Exhibitors"
Under "Society"
Conference Committee (alternate page - sample with images)
Calendar (not in use... just testing... linked to Society@ calendar)
Media Files
Other Hidden Pages
Blog (not in use... just testing)