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Workshop planning is still underway and more sessions will be added, but already the program is shaping up to be one of our best. Following are some of the workshops you can look forward to.

Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)

Ever wonder how to pull off an efficient Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) for those smaller, more frequent events? This workshop will take you from start to finish and highlight the various aspects of working in an EOC effectively.


Who should attend this workshop: EOC teams within government agencies or private organizations; elected officials or community personnel who need to understand EOC functions; and first responders who need to liaise with EOC functions during an event.


Evolving Concepts in Emergency Management

The trend is for hazards to increase in frequency, magnitude and impact. A wide array of topics will be discussed including post-disaster supply; transportation and distribution; damage assessment; advance planning; critical infrastructure assurance; and the trend towards full-scale exercises.


Who should attend this workshop: anyone interested in emergency management.


Radio Communications

During disasters and other serious emergency situations, a proven, reliable means of communication has been emergency radio communications.


This session will be a presentation followed by a practical exercise. The target audience is amateur radio operators and enthusiasts.


Lost Person Behaviour

Lost person behaviour is the cornerstone of search and rescue efforts. This session will look at how to solve the puzzle of where a lost person might be found through the application of mapping and science.


This workshop is aimed at search and rescue personnel, law enforcement, and fire personnel responsible for the initial response and subsequent search. Searchers in the field will also find this session useful.


Burnout and Worker Care

Understanding the issue, recognizing workplace factors, being aware of signs and symptoms and taking pro-active steps for prevention can help reduce the impact of burnout on employees and workplaces.


Recovery Planning

Recovery starts very soon after the emergency situation is stabilized or over, and it can take months and years. After everyone has temporary shelter, food, and water, the hardest part begins: it involves rebuilding lives, connections and community with the people who were disconnected, scattered and traumatized.


This session will focus on personal, community, and non-profit recovery planning. The workshop will provide participants with tools that will help them create their own respective recovery plans.


Climate Change

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted, and trees are flowering sooner. In its summary report on the impacts of climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, “Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time.”


The effect of climate change on people will depend on how well we can adapt to the impacts and how much we can do to reduce the causes of climate change.



Plenaries, Panels and Breakouts

In addition to workshops, the conference will feature plenaries, panels and breakout sessions on the topics of:

  • Impact of Climate Change

  • Emergency Support Services Modernization

  • Hard Lessons in Emergency Management

  • Moving to Recovery

  • Modernization of Searches

  • Emergency Management BC (Emergency Program Act Modernization and Recovery Framework Update)

  • Building Lasting and Valued Relationships

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